Disruptive Documentation

Enumeration Data​Connector.​Status

public enum Status: Codable, Equatable  

The current status of a Data Connector. This will indicate whether or not the Data Connector is currently sending out events.

%99 DataConnector.Status DataConnector.Status Equatable Equatable DataConnector.Status->Equatable Codable Codable DataConnector.Status->Codable

Member Of


A Data Connector is a mechanism to send device events in real-time from Disruptive Technologies' backend to an external service. It can be set up to send specific types of events to a configurable endpoint through an HTTP POST request.

Conforms To




public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws  

Enumeration Cases


case active

The Data Connector is currently active, and will push out events for the devices in the project to an external service.


case userDisabled

The Data Connector is deactivated. It can be reactivated by calling the updateDataConnector function.


case systemDisabled

The Data Connector will be set to this state by the system if it has received too many errors recently, or if it keeps seeing errors for a prolonged period of time. It can be reactivated by calling the updateDataConnector function.


case unknown(value: String) 

The status received for the Data Connector was unknown. Added for backwards compatibility in case a new status is added on the backend, and not yet added to this client library.



public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws