Disruptive Documentation

Structure Labels​Changed​Event

public struct LabelsChangedEvent: Decodable, Equatable  

Labels changed events are sent when the labels for a device are changed (added, deleted, or modified).

Since the display name of a device is a label with the key "name" behind the scene, this event will also be sent when the display name changes.

Note that this event will only be sent to a device stream (see subscribeToDevices), or a Data Connector. It will not be available as historical events for a device (the current labels for a device can be found on the Device itself).

Seed the Developer Website for more details.

%279 LabelsChangedEvent LabelsChangedEvent Equatable Equatable LabelsChangedEvent->Equatable Decodable Decodable LabelsChangedEvent->Decodable

Conforms To




public let added    : [String: String] 


public let modified : [String: String] 


public let removed  : [String]