Disruptive Documentation

Protocol Publishable​Event

public protocol PublishableEvent: Encodable  

Used by event types (such as TouchEvent) to indicate that they can be published to the device emulator.

%145 PublishableEvent PublishableEvent Encodable Encodable PublishableEvent->Encodable EthernetStatusEvent EthernetStatusEvent EthernetStatusEvent->PublishableEvent CellularStatusEvent CellularStatusEvent CellularStatusEvent->PublishableEvent HumidityEvent HumidityEvent HumidityEvent->PublishableEvent BatteryStatusEvent BatteryStatusEvent BatteryStatusEvent->PublishableEvent TemperatureEvent TemperatureEvent TemperatureEvent->PublishableEvent TouchEvent TouchEvent TouchEvent->PublishableEvent ObjectPresentEvent ObjectPresentEvent ObjectPresentEvent->PublishableEvent ObjectPresentCountEvent ObjectPresentCountEvent ObjectPresentCountEvent->PublishableEvent WaterPresentEvent WaterPresentEvent WaterPresentEvent->PublishableEvent TouchCountEvent TouchCountEvent TouchCountEvent->PublishableEvent NetworkStatusEvent NetworkStatusEvent NetworkStatusEvent->PublishableEvent ConnectionStatusEvent ConnectionStatusEvent ConnectionStatusEvent->PublishableEvent

Conforms To


Types Conforming to Publishable​Event


An event that is sent whenever a device is touched. This event is sent for almost all the available device types (except a few like the counting sensors).


A temperature event that is sent for temperature sensors every heartbeat, and whenever the sensor is touched.


An event that is sent whenever an object is close to a proximity sensor or not.


A humidity event that is sent for humidity sensors every heartbeat, and whenever the sensor is touched. This event contains both the measured temperature as well as the relative humidity.


An event that includes the accumulated count of proximity state changes for a Counting Proximity sensor. These events are sent every heartbeat, and not when the sensor is touched or when the state is switched (to save battery life).


An event that includes the accumulated count of touches for a Counting Touch sensor. These events are sent every heartbeat, and not when the sensor is touched (to save battery life).


An event that indicates whether or not water is present to a Water Detector sensor. This event is sent every heartbeat, and when the sensor is touched.


A network status event describes which Cloud Connectors a sensor is connected to, and how strong that connection is. A network status event is sent on every heartbeat, as well as when a sensor is touched.


A battery status event is sent quite rarely since the battery life of the sensors lasts up to 15 years. It indicates how much battery life is left in the sensor.


Indicates the current connectivity of a Cloud Connector. This is sent when there is a change in the connectivity of a Cloud Connector.


Details about the current ethernet connection status of a Cloud Connector.


Details about the current cellular connection status of a Cloud Connector.



var eventType: EventType